Principal's Desk

The year 2017-2018 was vibrant as ever with several curricular as well as co-curricular activities of the students. For all the achievements I wish to thank our Hon’ble President , Secretary , managing Committee members, teaching and non teaching staff for their whole hearted support. This year commenced with the education programmes for all students. There is consistent improvement in the performance of the students in academics at the University level. The students of our college enthusiastically participated in the various sports events, inter collegiate as well as in annual sports of our college in the University level. The Annual Social Gathering of our college was majestic and exuberant. The NSS volunteers had also participated in different regional, district, state as well as University level activities which kept in mind the NSS motto “Not Me But, U” in short to the concern of the society.
In all these achievements, our teachers had a significant contribution in bringing overall social & cultural development among the students. Thus the role of teacher is crucial to mould the students in to a part of responsible civilized society. Besides harnessing the talents, teachers also help to inculcate values and prepare them to progress in life.
The theme of the magazine is “DARPAN”. Indeed the year has witnessed turmoil on issues related to women. Several instances of atrocities on women were reported. The laws to protect the rights of women do exists, however what is needed is the change of attitude by society in general. Even media plays a major role in forming the attitude of society. One should not forget the rich tradition of women achievers in India since vedic times.
In India on the other hand, we had a lady Prime Minister way back in 1966. Swami Vivekananda stated emphatically that, there is no chance for welfare of the world unless the condition of women would improve. He had great expectations from education.“Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain…….undigested all your life, we must have life building, man making character – making assimilation of ideas”.
Hence it is important to take inspiration, move ahead and join hand together to curb the evils in Society. This would contribute to the overall progress of the nation.